Welcome to the Child Funeral Charity
Arranging a funeral for a child is something no-one can imagine having to do. And at a very emotional time, financial pressures in paying funeral expenses can add to the distress.
We, the Child Funeral Charity (CFC) assist families financially in England and Wales who have to arrange a funeral for a baby or child aged 16 or under. Whilst many funeral directors, the clergy and most celebrants do not charge fees, there are other funeral related expenses that bereaved parents struggle to find. Financial support is available from us to help with such funeral costs, together with practical advice and guidance.
Important Information: The Government’s Children’s Funeral Fund (CFF)
We are delighted that the government’s Children’s Funeral Fund came into effect on July 23rd 2019. Under the scheme the fees and expenses for burials and cremations are met largely by government funding. Details about the fund can be found here
To be eligible for help from the CFF, a child must be under 18 at the time of death or stillborn after the 24th week of pregnancy, and the burial or cremation must take place in England.
The Children’s Funeral Fund is available to all families, regardless of income and is not means-tested.
Burial and Cremation authorities and funeral directors will claim the fees directly from the central fund.
Details of what can be claimed through the Children’s Funeral Fund can be found here
The Child Funeral Charity funds the elements of the funeral that are NOT covered by the government fund, such as flowers, orders of ceremony, plaques etc.
Please apply for our help using the CFC Application Form button on the right or below.
Referrals & Applications
We take referrals and applications for financial support from professionals who have knowledge of the bereaved family and their circumstances. Therefore if you are a…
Funeral Director
Celebrant or Faith Representative
Bereavement Nurse or Midwife
Hospice Manager or Support Worker
General Practitioner
Local Authority Registrar
Hospital Bereavement Officer
Charity Staff Member
Hospital Medical Registrar or other professional
…you can refer bereaved families to us. In order to provide financial support to as many bereaved families as possible, we are always fundraising.
If you would like to support our activities, please click here